Rabu, 07 Mei 2014

Tanda Tangan Termahal di Dunia dan Dijual Tanda Tangan Presiden Soekarno (SUDAH TERJUAL)

Most Expensive Autographs

Collection of Most Expensive Autographs is still a passion of some rich peoples. 
Let’s have a look on top 5 most expensive autographs by famous personalities, who are they?
and how their million dollar signatures looks?

1. William Shakespeare
Many believe the signature of the playwright William Shakespeare 
is the most expensive autograph in the world. 
Only six authentic signatures exist and each one would be expected to fetch around $3.8 million

2. Abraham Lincoln 
The highest price ever paid on the open market for a single signed autograph letter was $748,000 
in 1991 for a letter written by US President Abraham Lincoln on January 8, 1863, 
defending the Emancipation Proclamation.

3.John Lennon
Double Fantasy was John Lennon‘s last album released during his lifetime 
and is a collaboration with Yoko Ono. In 2003, the last copy autographed by Lennon 
before he was killed by Mark Chapman was sold for $525,000, 
becoming the most valuable record ever.

4. Jimmy Hendrix
A piece of paper signed by Jimmy Hendrix has a starting price of $63,861. 
The rocker, who died aged 27, is widely considered to be the greatest guitarist 
in the history of rock music.

5. Albert Einstein
The already famous picture in which Einstein appears showing his tongue, 
accompanied by a dedication made by the scientist to his good old friend Howard Smith, 
was bought by an amateur of rare souvenirs for the amount of $74.324.


Sudah Terjual

Tanda Tangan Presiden Soekarno diatas Surat Resmi Kepresidenan, 
dengan Kop surat berlambang Bintang. 
Terdapat 2 bh. Tanda Tangan Asli Presiden Soekarno, 
yaitu pada surat utama dan pada surat lampirannya.

Surat Utama

Surat Utama

Surat Utama

Surat Utama

Surat Lampiran

Surat Lampiran

Dokumen Resmi Kepresidenan RI di Masa Revolusi Mempertahankan Kemerdekaan th.1945-1949 adalah barang yg sangat langka.
Saat itu dalam keadaan darurat Perang melawan Agresi Belanda I dan ke II (th. 1948-1949 di Masa NICA).
Dokumen ini di tanda tangani di Jogjakarta bukan di Djakarta, ketika di Masa Revolusi / Interim periode, Ibukota Indonesia dipindahkan darurat ke Jogjakarta pada th.1949.

Pada lampiran, ada keistimewaan tersendiri. 
Bung Karno tidak membubuhkan Tanda tangannya secara lengkap.
Beliau hanya memberi paraf: Soek.
Tanda tangan dalam bentuk paraf dari Bung Karno jauh lebih langka daripada tanda tangan biasa.

Keterangan lebih lanjut mengenai pembelian, pengiriman barang,
cara pembayaran dll. silahkan hub. 0813.1540.5281
atau e-mail: neneng1971@yahoo.com.
Sudah Terjual

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