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VETPLANTEN. door A.J. Van Laren. Te illustreeren met Verkade's plaatjes. th.1932
Buku ukuran besar: 23 cm x 30 cm, 101 halaman, dengan ilustrasi gambar seukuran cigarette card
sebanyak 125 lembar (lengkap) dan 18 lembar ukuran besar (lihat gambar) lengkap.
Semua gambar adalah di tempelkan pada buku dan bisa dilepas/diambil, bukan di cetak/di print.
Kondisi masih baik dan utuh.
Milik seorang keturunan Belanda yg kakeknya dulu Ahli Botani di salah satu Taman Botani terbesar di dunia pada masa itu, Buitenzorg Botanical Garden yg sekarang ini adalah Kebun Raya Bogor
Mengenai Kebun Raya Bogor, kita bisa mengetahui sejarahnya melalui artikel dibawah ini,
yang di ambil dari situs Wikipedia dalam bahasa Inggris.
The Bogor Botanical Gardens (Indonesian: Kebun Raya Bogor)
is a botanical garden located in Bogor, Indonesia, 60 km south of Jakarta.
The gardens are in the city center and adjoin the Istana Bogor (Presidential Palace).
The gardens cover more than 80 hectares
The area that was now Bogor Botanical Gardens was part of the samida (man made forest) that was established at least around the era when Sri Baduga Maharaja (Prabu Siliwangi, 1474-1513) rules the Sunda Kingdom, as written in the Batutulis inscription. This forest was created to protect seeds of rare woods.
Another similar samida was established near the current border between Bogor and Cianjur, called Ciung Wanara Forest.
This forest was neglected after the Sunda Kingdom was defeated by the Banten Sultanate.
In 1744, the Dutch East India Company established a garden and mansion at the site of the present Botanical Gardens
in Buitenzorg (now known as Bogor).
In 1811, Stamford Raffles was appointed Lieutenant-Governor of Java. Raffles had the garden in Buitenzorg re-landscaped.
His wife, Olivia Raffles, died in Bogor in 1814. A memorial her now stands in the grounds of the Bogor Botanical Gardens.
In 1817, the status of the gardens in Bogor was formally lifted to the rank of Botanical Gardens.
The gardens officially opened in 1817 as 's Lands Plantentuin ('National Botanical Garden'),
the idea of which was introduced by German-born Dutch biologist and botanist Professor Caspar Georg Carl Reinwardt.
They were used to research and develop plants and seeds from other parts of Indonesia for cultivation during the 19th century.
This is a tradition that continues today and contributes to the garden's reputation as a center of botanical research.
In 1848, the West African oil palm, was introduced into the gardens.
This is believed to be the mother tree in Southeast Asia from which numerous descendants,
were produced to support the growth of the palm oil industry in the region.
In 1862, The Cibodas Botanical Gardens were established as an extension of the Bogor gardens.
In 1889, The Teysmann Garden, a formal garden in the symmetrical European styles, was established in honor of
Johannes Elias Teijsmann, curator of the Bogor Botanical Gardens from 1830 to 1869.
In 1928, the Astrid Avenue, which contains spectacular display of canna lilies of various colors,
was established on the eastern side of the gardens in memory of a visit by Princess Astrid of Belgium.
Today the garden contains more than 15,000 species of trees and plants.
There are 400 types of exceptional palms along lawns and avenues.
The Gardens are a refuge for more than 50 different varieties of birds and for groups of bats roosting high in the trees.
The orchid houses contain some 3,000 varieties.
In 1862, the Cibodas Botanical Gardens were founded as an extension of the Bogor garden at Cibodas,
approximately 45 kilometers to the southeast of Bogor.
Directors of the garden
1817–1822 : Caspar Georg Carl Reinwardt (1773–1854)
1823–1826 : Carl Ludwig Blume (1789–1862)
1830–1869 : Johannes Elias Teijsmann (1808–1882)
1869–1880 : Rudolph Herman Christiaan Carel Scheffer (1844–1880)
1880–1910 : Melchior Treub (1851–1910)
1910–1918 : J.C. Koningsberger
1918–1932 : Willem Marius Docters van Leeuwen (1880–1960)
1932–1939 : K.W. Dammerman
1939–1940 : L.G.M. Baas Becking
1940–1941 : T.H. Honert
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